I recently installed the latest version of reReplacer on a joomla 3.10 site.
I tested the same version on my joomla 4 test site as well with no problems.
After checking the compatibility of extensions and theme, I launched the migration joomla 3.10.1 -> 4.0.2
It went well except for a theme and your extension.
The component refuses to work.
I made 2 attempts
1 / installation via the EDD online joomla
2/ deleted the extension and reinstalled from the file downloaded on my computer.
Each time I get the same error message:
"ReReplacer can't work. The Regular Labs Framework plugin is not installed."
Even if I uninstall the extension, I still get the message (see image)
2. Deleting: /home/...public_html/libraries/regularlabs
Plugin désinstallé.
Composant désinstallé.
Bibliothèque désinstallé.
Plugin désinstallé.
Plugin désinstallé.