since a few months all of my website (25),
can no longer connect to your server to find new updates (pro and free)
the message is this :
"Could not retrieve data from the Regular Labs website. Please try again later."
Do you found a solution, i have the same problem on OVH ?
Hello Laurent, alas I have not found a solution for the moment, the connection with the server update is really random. And this is the only component with which I have the problem !!!!
Hello Peter,
The problem had disappeared, but for several months it reappeared, Unable to see regularLabs updates. I waited for the last update of Joomla 3.10.3 because I read on your forums that there was a problem with LETSENCRYPT and joomla was going to update !!! But the problem persists, (even after rebuilding the update sites) The problem only occurs on RegularLabs. For all other modules and components (no problem). The problem is the same on 11 websites hosted on different servers at OVH.
Could not retrieve data from the Regular Labs website. Please try again later.