
Latest version

Articles Field
4.2.1 09 July 2024

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Updates translations: sv-SE
  • Fixes issue php error when uploading media

Older versions

Articles Field
4.2.0 19 June 2024

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Adds option to order items by order of selection
  • Changes field to use ajax to prevent slow page loads
  • Updates some deprecated code
  • Fixes issue with raw value not being forced to an array
  • Scopes external composer libraries to prevent conflicts

Articles Field
4.1.0 20 February 2024

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Adds support for JFilters
  • Updates translations: de-DE
  • Fixes issue with some fields not showing full multi select list

Articles Field
4.0.4 20 December 2023

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Fixes issue with errors when trying to install/update via CLI
  • Fixes issue with php error about selectList on select fields with loads of items

Articles Field
4.0.3 02 December 2023

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Refactors some code

Articles Field
4.0.2 24 November 2023

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Refactors some code
  • Fixes issue with php error about DB::in()

Articles Field
4.0.1 25 October 2023

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Fixes issue with tags not being handled correctly when using nested Articles Fields in nested Articles Anywhere tags in the custom html output

Articles Field
4.0.0 21 September 2023

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J3 Removes Joomla 3 support
  • J4J5 Updates code to PHP 8.1 standards
  • J5 Fixes issue with errors on installation

Articles Field
3.13.0 04 September 2023

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J4 Increases minimum php version to 8.1

Articles Field
3.12.1 27 August 2023

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Updates translations: tr-TR
  • J5 Fixes issue with extension getting disabled on Joomla 5

Articles Field
3.12.0 02 August 2023

Download Free Purchase Pro

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J5 Makes it possible to install on Joomla 5

Articles Field
3.11.0 04 July 2023

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J4PRO Adds ability to set a limit on the amount of links to output

Articles Field
3.10.3 23 May 2023

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J4 Improves memory usage preventing memory exhaustion in some cases

Articles Field
3.10.2 27 March 2023

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Updates translations: tr-TR
  • J4 Fixes issue with PHP errors/warnings on PHP 8.2

Articles Field
3.10.1 24 February 2023

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • PRO Fixes issue with Download Key check not working on some setups
  • J3 Fixes issue with error about implode on PHP 8

Articles Field
3.10.0 13 January 2023

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J4PRO Adds option to ignore the Users filter for administrators
  • Removes not-used language files after installation
  • Updates translations: cs-CZ, fr-FR
  • Fixes issue with incorrect prefix characters for comments in the language files
  • J4 Fixes issue with 'Combine Admin Menu' option in the Regular Labs Library plugin not working

Articles Field
3.9.1 13 October 2022

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • PRO Adds ability to also output attribs and metadata values via data tags via the custom HTML layout
  • J4 Fixes issue with extensions not being re-enabled after upgrading from J3 to J4
  • J4 Fixes potential errors when using certain APIs

Articles Field
3.9.0 06 September 2022

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • Changes code styling: tabs to spaces
  • Changes installer to use a package manifest instead of a custom installer plugin
  • Refactors some code
  • Updated some php code to use PHP 7.4 standards
  • Updates translations: cs-CZ, nl-NL, tr-TR

Articles Field
3.8.1 11 June 2022

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • J4 Fixes issue with installation breaking on Joomla 4.2

Articles Field
3.8.0 13 April 2022

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3 & Joomla! 4 & 5

  • PRO Adds ability to use the [count] and [total] data tags in the custom output
  • J4 Adds Joomla 4 support
  • Updates translations: tr-TR

Articles Field
3.7.0 10 February 2022

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Increases minimum php version to 7.4.0
  • Fixes issue with error on installation when using php 8.1 or higher

Articles Field
3.6.2 15 November 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: cs-CZ
  • Updates translations: tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with articles that have a higher access level being output
  • Fixes issue with some error messages that should only show in admin side also showing on frontend

Articles Field
3.6.1 14 August 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Improves upgrade/update check information in Joomla updater
  • Fixes issue with php TypeError being thrown on some xml pages

Articles Field
3.6.0 25 June 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Changes code in minified javascript files to not use eval
  • Cleans up code
  • Improves dealing with Joomla 3 code (disabling plugins) after upgrading to Joomla 4
  • Increases minimum php version to 7.2.0
  • Updates translations: de-DE, fr-FR, sv-SE, tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with incorrect update urls on plugins
  • Fixes issue with update site being saved incorrectly

Articles Field
3.5.3 10 February 2021

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with articles not showing when saving the selection via manual text field (which is used in case there are more articles that the limit)
  • Fixes issue with field not being set to readonly for users that don't pass the ACL settings

Articles Field
3.5.2 28 September 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with php message about count on a non-array

Articles Field
3.5.1 25 September 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with php message about ordering on a non-array
  • FREE Fixes issue with php error/message about undefined method prepareOrdering

Articles Field
3.5.0 22 September 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds sorting by category title and ordering
  • Adds sorting by featured state

Articles Field
3.4.0 14 September 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds secondary sort order fields
  • More preparations for Joomla 4 (in)compatibility

Articles Field
3.3.2 17 August 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with missing language strings

Articles Field
3.3.1 24 June 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Makes multiselect fields show the total number of items and selected items
  • Fixes issue with php warnings in some cases when using filters

Articles Field
3.3.0 20 May 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • PRO Adds ability to filter by the article author matching the currently logged in user
  • PRO Adds ability to show multi-select fields as an advanced select field based on checkboxes
  • Updates translations: de-DE, fr-FR, nl-NL, sv-SE, tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with the authors select field breaking when having more users than the "Maximum List Count" setting

Articles Field
3.2.0 28 March 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds ability to not show the category in the select field (when there are articles from multiple categories)
  • Updates translations: nl-NL

Articles Field
3.1.2 14 February 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • PRO Fixes issue with php warning about undefined index when using option grouping on single select fields (multiple off)

Articles Field
3.1.1 28 January 2020

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with php notices concerning undefined properties in some cases

Articles Field
3.1.0 23 December 2019

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds ability to order articles by their ID
  • Adds ability to set the ordering of the articles in the select when 'Multiple' is set to 'No'
  • Adds option to show/hide unpublished articles in the select list
  • PRO Adds ability to filter by multiple custom field list values using comma separated lists
  • PRO Adds the ability to group the articles by category in the select list
  • Prevents article ID from showing in select list on frontend
  • Fixes issue with trashed and archived articles showing in the select list
  • PRO Fixes issue with incorrect db query when no fields are selected in the 'Articles - Linked' type

Articles Field
3.0.1 28 August 2019

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: sv-SE
  • PRO Fixes potential issues with nesting Articles Anywhere tags via the custom layouts

Articles Field
3.0.0 12 June 2019

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds translations: zh-CN
  • PRO Improves behavior of the Linked Fields option for the field type "Articles - Linked"
  • PRO Split the plugin into 2 separate field types: "Articles" and "Articles - Linked"
  • Fixes issue with php notice about array to string conversion on certain AcyMailing pages
  • Fixes issue with php notice about array to string conversion on certain HikaShop pages

Articles Field
2.0.2 27 March 2019

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.8.0 to Joomla 3.9.0
  • Improves compatibility with repeatable/subfields fields
  • PRO Fixes issue "Show Linked Articles" option not saving correctly when set to 'No'
  • PRO Fixes issue with not being able to save multiple Linked Fields in type Show Linked Articles

Articles Field
2.0.1 08 February 2019

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with expired articles showing on frontend
  • FREE Fixes issue with error about undefined getCurrentArticleId method

Articles Field
2.0.0 14 January 2019

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • PRO Adds filters to "Show Linked Articles" type
  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.7.0 to Joomla 3.8.0
  • Changes use of RL toggler scripts to use Joomla core showon scripts
  • Improves way Regular Labs Library scripts and styles are loaded on admin side
  • Refactors code
  • Updates translations: de-DE, et-EE, nl-NL
  • Fixes issue html being stripped from separator field
  • Fixes issue with options in field not being ordered according to ordering settings

Articles Field
1.2.1 19 July 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • PRO Fixes issue with linked articles showing that are no longer in the selected category assignment of the custom field

Articles Field
1.2.0 01 July 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • PRO Adds Language filter
  • Changes grouping of options in field edit view
  • Changes some tooltip descriptions on filters

Articles Field
1.1.2 21 April 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Updates translations: sv-SE, tr-TR
  • Fixes issue with unpublished/trashed items in select lists not getting styled correctly
  • PRO Fixes issue with php notice about undefined variable readonly

Articles Field
1.1.1 13 March 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • PRO Fixes issue with tags in custom layouts with empty values not getting replaced

Articles Field
1.1.0 08 March 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds ability to not use a separator
  • Adds ability to set the ordering of articles

Articles Field
1.0.1 02 February 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with fatal error about ContentHelperRoute not found on Joomla 3.8.4+
  • Fixes some javascript issues in admin side on Joomla 3.7.0
  • PRO Fixes issue with custom fields in custom layout being converted multiple times, potentially causing fatal errors

Articles Field
1.0.0 12 January 2018

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • First stable release
  • Changes minimum requirement from Joomla 3.6.0 to Joomla 3.7.0
  • Updates translations: de-DE

Articles Field
0.6.3 08 December 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with potential fatal error about Regex class not found

Articles Field
0.6.2 07 December 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with articles field filters not working

Articles Field
0.6.1 04 December 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with date type data tags getting time offset applied

Articles Field
0.6.0 07 November 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds missing Joomla update server
  • Updates translations: da-DK, nl-NL, sv-SE

Articles Field
0.5.2 10 October 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with current article being select-able in articles list

Articles Field
0.5.1 09 October 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Fixes issue with Link Title option not working (always on)
  • Fixes issue with Title + Custom Field layout not working

Articles Field
0.5.0 09 October 2017

Download Free Download Pro (older than 1 year)

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds option to filter by current category
  • Adds option to include child categories in selection
  • Adds option to set the value separator
  • First public release
  • PRO Adds Custom HTML layout
  • PRO Adds ability to filter articles by custom field values (up to 3 fields)
  • PRO Adds option to include child tags in selection
  • Removes the 'Custom Field' layout
  • Improves styling of settings

Articles Field
0.3.0 02 October 2017

Download Free

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • PRO Adds ability to show other articles linking to the current item through other Articles fields
  • Fixes issue with output not being generated due to missing layout files

Articles Field
0.2.0 30 September 2017

Download Free

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • Adds ability to select whether or not to add a link to the article
  • Adds ability to set different layouts (Title, Custom Field, Title + Custom Field)
  • Improves styling of settings

Articles Field
0.1.0 30 September 2017

Download Free

Compatible with: Joomla! 3

  • First non-public beta release