Other Tooltips questions

Any solution in case of conflict with Joomshaper's templates?

Davide Masserini's Avatar Davide Masserini
Hello Peter, I have read that the great Tooltip plugin is not working when teplate's creators do not use what comes with Joomla and load their own versions of jQuery and Bootstrap.

I totally understand your orthodox way to go and surely developers should take that more in consideration. One thing I wish to discuss is that people that purchase Joomla's extensions are not developers most of the time (this is why we spend money on services like yours) and often are not involved into the CMS's innerworkings and administrative decisions (luckily with Joomla 4 more improvements are coming).

So, even if you did not ask for it, I might gently suggest that you might find a solution in order to make Tooltip work with Joomshaper's template. They have hundreds of thousands of customers and it is the largest template's provider in Joomla. I mean I can find another solution that works with those templates, but if I can I'd rather pay you, than finding something else.

Anyway, to get to the point, Tooltip is not working here:
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
There will be no changes to the compatibility of Tooltips for Joomla 3.

The Joomla 4 version will not be using jquery or bootstrap. It will be rewritten from scratch using vanilla (pure) JavaScript.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
If you need a refund, let me know.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Davide Masserini's Avatar Davide Masserini
I never ask for a refund, but unfortunately I only use Joomshaper's templates so can I change subscription from Tooltip to Articles Anywhere by paying the addition?
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
No, I can't change it, or the invoices don't match (which is a requirement here in The Netherlands).
So I will give you the refund and you can buy the subscription you want when you need it.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Ru Men's Avatar Ru Men
Bravo, Peter, it's the way it should be.
Paul Scarnegie's Avatar Paul Scarnegie
I too just purchased Tooltips Pro to use within a Joomshaper template framework and now found out that it doesn't work - very disappointed I might add. It's throwing the following errors.

Uncaught TypeError: popover.tip is not a function
at (script.min.js?v=7.7.3.p:7)
at HTMLSpanElement.<anonymous> (script.min.js?v=7.7.3.p:5)
at HTMLSpanElement.dispatch (jquery.min.js?954d8fc506c400109b160f606df22e86:2)
at HTMLSpanElement.v.handle (jquery.min.js?954d8fc506c400109b160f606df22e86:2)

So if this isn't something that can be addressed I will unfortunately have to request a refund.

Joomla 3.10.2
Tooltips Pro 7.7.3
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