Other Tabs & Accordions questions

Open all javascript removed on saving article

Joris Lange's Avatar Joris Lange
Making use of the open/close all accordions buttons, as described on I have a problem with editing in the frontend. The code is skipped when saving the article.
<button type="button" class="btn button-green" onclick="RegularLabs.TabsAccordions.openAccordions()">+ Alle open</button>
<button type="button" class="btn button-red" onclick="RegularLabs.TabsAccordions.closeAccordions()">- Alle dicht</button>
<button type="button" class="btn button-green">+ Alle open</button>
<button type="button" class="btn button-red">- Alle dicht</button>

In Global Configuration > Text Filter I have to set Publisher to 'No Filter' to solve my problem. Do you know why?
I do want to use 'Custom forbidden list' to make the use of iframes possible for Publisher.
But in the forbidden list I do not see a clue:
Also an empty list do not solve this problem.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
That is down to your editor and has nothing directly to do with Tabs & Accordions.

If you use JCE, best to ask them about it.
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Joris Lange's Avatar Joris Lange
This is happening in TinyMCE too. And the way to overcome is in Global Config Text Filters, as described.
Why do you think it is JCE (wich is in use in this site) causing to corrupt your code?
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Again, tyhis has nothing to do with Tabs & Accordions, but what type of html your editor allows.
<button type="button" class="btn button-green" onclick="somethingElse();">

Tabs & Accordions does not get involved in how content is saved.

If you can't get your editor set up to allow onclick attributes, you could use Sourcerer to work around this:
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Joris Lange's Avatar Joris Lange
But this seems nót to be the editor.
Also with no editor, the arguments are skipped.

Thanks for the Sourcerer tip.

Do you have any idea what could help?
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