Other Tabs & Accordions questions

Plus/minus icons on accordions

Timothy Jones's Avatar Timothy Jones
Is it possible to have the option to have icons in the accordion header like we used to have in the Joomla 3 slider module?

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Please try the latest development version from:

There is a new global setting to add a + / - icon to the accordion handles.

You can also override this via the {accordion} tags.
The syntax is a little different to Sliders for J3.
{accordion ... icons="true"}
And you only have to add that to the first tag. It will be applied to the entire accordion set.

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Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
This is the CSS responsible for adding the + / - symbols.
You can of course override that with whatever you want via your template's CSS.
[data-rlta-element=container][data-rlta-state=ready][data-rlta-type=accordions][data-rlta-icons=true] > [data-rlta-element=button]:after {
  content: "+";
  font-weight: bold;
  float: right;
  margin-left: 1rem;
[data-rlta-element=container][data-rlta-state=ready][data-rlta-type=accordions][data-rlta-icons=true] > [data-rlta-element=button]:not([data-rlta-state=closed]):after {
  content: "−";
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Timothy Jones's Avatar Timothy Jones
Thank you - works like a charm.


Michel Gauthier's Avatar Michel Gauthier
The accordion title is a H3 size. How can I change H3 for H4, H5, H6 or H7? Or, how can I change styling for H3 in the accordion title ?
Thanks in advance.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Check the advanced settings in the system plugin.

For styling, use CSS.
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bwd's Avatar bwd
Is it possible to get the filled circle with white inset that the J3 version had?

I tried with css but no luck:
.fa-circle-plus:before {
	content: "\f055";
.fa-circle-minus:before {
	content: "\f055";
[data-rlta-element=container][data-rlta-state=ready][data-rlta-type=accordions][data-rlta-icons=true] > [data-rlta-element=button]:after {
    content: "\f055";
[data-rlta-element=container][data-rlta-state=ready][data-rlta-type=accordions][data-rlta-icons=true] > [data-rlta-element=button]:not([data-rlta-state=closed]):after {
  content: "\f056";

** Edit: nvm figured it out that I was just missing:
font-family: FontAwesome

I left it here since it may help someone else.

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Exactly ?
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