Since i've rebuilt my website with joomla 5, i've difficulties with sourcerer. i generate a table with div (with id and JS function when click) inside an article with sourcerer. This table is generated without problem in joomla 3.It's very fast. In joomla 5 , the same code generate the table in about 11/12 seconds. After sql joomla requests (it works without problem), div are generated with two "for" depending of array values. And it's these two loops "for" that cause the slowness. It's very long. I have the pro sourcerer since a long time. I've no issue until now. Can you help me ? Sorry for my english, i'm french. Nicolas
There is 3 files , a css file, a js file (for function when click on div) and a combined php html file. the problem is in the two cascaded loops with "for" (inside loops are line like <?php echo '<div class="divTableCell" id="'.$iddiv.'" onClick="liencours(id)" onmouseover="myFunction(id)";>'?> <?php echo $This_Cours_Titre[$nbraw][$i][1]; ?> </div>
with Joomla 3 and sourcerer, it's very fast. Now it's very very long
This is something you will need to debug yourself.
Check where the bottleneck is in the php. See what happens if you don't output the javascript and css.
Switch on debugging. Etc.
Again, Sourcerer doesn't control how your code functions.