Maria Ivanova
Yep, I have read through that.
"Make sure you are using the WYSIWYG view of your editor.
Some editors remove tags you enter in the editor (even if not in html view).
To prevent tags from being stripped, use the double bracket syntax. So instead of <tag>, do [[tag]].
Some editors (like JCE) do allow you to enter tags in the WYSIWYG view, but you may have to change some settings in the editor."
- I am not using JCE, using tinyMCE default editor.
- I am using [] tags.
This is what I am doing when using the editor button, it strips it anyway
{source}[[script src="" type="text/j-avascript"]] [[/script]]<healcode-widget data-version="0.2" data-link-class="healcode-pricing-option-image-link" data-site-id="1318" data-mb-site-id="21141" data-bw-identity-site="false" data-type="pricing-link" data-inner-html="<img alt='Buy Now' src='' />" data-service-id="7328" />{/source}
Also tried this, same result.
{source}[[script src="" type="text/j-avascript"]] [[/script]] [[healcode-widget data-version="0.2" data-link-class="healcode-pricing-option-image-link" data-site-id="1318" data-mb-site-id="21141" data-bw-identity-site="false" data-type="pricing-link" data-inner-html="<img alt='Buy Now' src='' />" data-service-id="7328" /]]{/source}
What is wrong? Thank you for you help.