Other Snippets questions

Just updated from old version, syntax has changed

Gijs's Avatar Gijs
Hi Peter,

I've just updated the Regular Labs snippets module, as I'm migrating my website to Joomla 4.
Unfortunately there are some syntax changes, which require extensive manual changes in each and every article. Is there a quick fix for this?

Snippets that contain variables, are not being detected any more without adding: alias="name". Also the variables are no longer passed into the code, instead we see "\1" "\2" in the article.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Correct, the syntax of Snippets for Joomla 4 is a little different.
You also need to create the variables you want to use in the snippet item itself.
See the documentation on that:

If you have a lot of {snippet} tags in your website, you could use DB Replacer Pro with some Regular Expressions magic to replace them with the correct syntax.
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