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J3-Snippets did not work in J4?

Peter Hellinger's Avatar Peter Hellinger
Hi Peter,
I have to upgrade a website from J3 to J4, all things fine so far, exept Snippets. The old Snippets from J3 like
{snippet blog-intro|102,98,100,97|6|3|created DESC|show|false|||}
are displayed as Text in J4. Did not read in the doks, that the old parameter syntax not work anymore.

bg, Peter
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
The Joomla 4 version does not support the old syntax.
Please read the documentation on how to use Snippets and what the syntax should look like:
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Peter Hellinger's Avatar Peter Hellinger
Thank you. I read the section "Upgrade from J3 to J4" and a hint, that the old syntax no longer works, would have been helpful.

bg, Peter
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