I only have a simple replacement, but I just can't get it to work.
I want to replace the following:
<a class="uk-position-cover uk-position-z-index" href="/index.php/de/wissenswert/leihbar-in-freiburg" title="Leihbar in Freiburg"></a>
and I just want to empty the title:
<a class="uk-position-cover uk-position-z-index" href="/index.php/de/wissenswert/leihbar-in-freiburg" title=""></a>
I have defined as start:
<a class="uk-position-cover uk-position-z-index”
and as end:
I am searching for:
and replace with:
I've really tried a lot, but I must be missing something.
Can you give me (super) admin access so I can take a look?
And tell me on what url I can see the issue.
You can use the 'Confidential information' button in the forum editor to hide sensitive information.
The title is not surrounded with { and } characters.
So simply search for:
Also, when looking at your ReReplacer items, it seems it is using a WYSIWYG editor. It shouldn't and simply use a code editor.
You have disabled the CodeMirror editor, that causes this.
The WYSIWYG editor adds html, so you are actually searching for:
So: enable the CodeMirror editor plugin, and adjust your search.