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remove titel="text"

Raimo Lindner's Avatar Raimo Lindner
I only have a simple replacement, but I just can't get it to work.

I want to replace the following:
<a class="uk-position-cover uk-position-z-index" href="/index.php/de/wissenswert/leihbar-in-freiburg" title="Leihbar in Freiburg"></a>

and I just want to empty the title:
<a class="uk-position-cover uk-position-z-index" href="/index.php/de/wissenswert/leihbar-in-freiburg" title=""></a>

I have defined as start:
<a class="uk-position-cover uk-position-z-index”

and as end:

I am searching for:

and replace with:

I've really tried a lot, but I must be missing something.

Can someone please help me?

Thank you very much!
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Can you give me (super) admin access so I can take a look?
And tell me on what url I can see the issue.
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Raimo Lindner's Avatar Raimo Lindner

Thank you very much for your message.

The access data you find below.

The site is on working state, and still not live.
There are different entries and I want to supress the display of the title tag on mouse over.

Within ReReplacer you find it under "Hide link title in Wissenswert" and "Hide link title in Wissenswert (2)" (for testing).
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Your search is incorrect:
That will search for:
The title is not surrounded with { and } characters.

So simply search for:

Also, when looking at your ReReplacer items, it seems it is using a WYSIWYG editor. It shouldn't and simply use a code editor.
You have disabled the CodeMirror editor, that causes this.
The WYSIWYG editor adds html, so you are actually searching for:

So: enable the CodeMirror editor plugin, and adjust your search.
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Raimo Lindner's Avatar Raimo Lindner
Thank you!

But I tried it out and it still doesn't work.

I activated CodeMirror again and with none of the 2 "search-code" versions it replaces.

It seems trickier than I thought.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Solved by switching on the Regular Expressions setting in the ReReplacer item.
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Raimo Lindner's Avatar Raimo Lindner
Oh wow!

I just saw it. OK, that switch made the difference.

I have learned a lot 🙂

Thank you very very much! I appreciate your help enormous!
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