Other ReReplacer questions

Editor cuts all lines from the left side

Hrvoje Znaor's Avatar Hrvoje Znaor
It seems that editor in rereplacer doesn't show whole words. For example this text SOMEPHRASE_1 is shown like this ASE_1
SOMEPHR is hidden by left vertical border in editor. It works but it's visually hidden.
Pressing F10 twice makes it visible, but it's inconvenient to do that non stop.
Latest Joomla 4 and Rereplacer.

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
I cannot reproduce this behaviour on my setups.
It might be down to a setting in the CodeMirror editor.

Make sure your Joomla setup is uptodate.
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Hrvoje Znaor's Avatar Hrvoje Znaor
Like I said its latest Joomla. Everything is updated.
And I didn't touch anything code mirror related.
Ill investigate maybe some other component is adding extra css into it.
Hrvoje Znaor's Avatar Hrvoje Znaor
Turning off Gutters in Editor - CodeMirror plugin settings solved this issue.
But Gutters were On by default.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Gutters are on for me...

Can you give me (super) admin access so I can take a look?
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