Stanley Rieck
I would like to know if it is possible to remove/replace a search value if there is nothing entered in the replace section?
Search box= some-text
Replace box= "empty"
If some-text has no replacement, can some-text be "removed"?
I am using this in a helix template database, and the following is happening:
I use a code for the Facebook link in the search box: fb-ln
If nothing is entered then the icon for Facebook still shows on the website, I would have thought if nothing is entered, it would not show (i.e. it would be blank), but it still does, probably because in the helix template file, it still references fb-ln?
Since the fb-ln is changed with RSForm, when submitting a form, I need the code in the template, to know where to change fb-ln to the entered Facebook link. However, if the form does not submit a Facebook link (ie the client doesn't enter a Facebook link), the Facebook icon still shows...
I may have explained this in a very complicated way...
<-- the top social media links all have codes that should change, but when noting is entered the icons still show?