Other Quick Index questions

QI does not work as module in Yootheme Pro sidebar

Hans de Bruijn's Avatar Hans de Bruijn
Hi Peter, I bought the QI Pro version as I wanted to load an article index in a Custom Module in the sidebar on my site.

Despite attempts to activate Prepare Content, having no HTML around the {index} tag, etc, it just displays the {index article="current"} info, and not the index.

The same module works fine in other template locations, such as Top, Toolbar, etc., so there must be an incompatibility with the YTP template for this Sidebar location.

Is there anything else you can think of that I can check / configure?

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Probably not. Maybe you can see if changing the system plugin ordering makes a difference.

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Hans de Bruijn's Avatar Hans de Bruijn
Hi Peter, here is another update.

When I opened this ticket, I had not considered the impact of Conditional Content and was automatically thinking of a template issue.

However, I can report that the issue seems to be an incompatibility between QI and CC being in place at the same time.

Scenario 1 - everything works per documentation
- article has no CC protection at all
- QI tag added in text as {index ordered="false"}
- Custom Content module is active in sidebar with {index article="current"}
- The headings of the article show in the module as expected
- if the module is unpublished, the QI box shows directly in the article

Scenario 2 - the module option is not working
- article has CC protection so only active Subscriber access level members can see the full content
- QI tag is in text like as in Scenario 1
- Custom Module is the same as in Scenario 1
- the Custom Module shows either the {index article="current"} text, or nothing. This depends on the placement of the {index} tag in the article before or after the CC tag, and whether the user is logged in or not.

But big picture, as soon as you have CC and QI in one article, the QI functionality for the module stops working.

I moved the QI plugin to be lower than the CC plugin in the Plugin sort order, but that does not make a difference.

So wanted to report in hopes that you can either provide instructions to make this work as is, or to develop a new version that does not conflict with CC if that is indeed the root cause.

For clarity, my site has a publicly visible intro of article texts and then protected content for the rest of the article, in most cases.

So using CC is more core to my site setup than the QI function.

I like the idea of showing the headings in the QI box in a sidebar module but still protecting the actual text with the CC system. So like a preview.

Another idea that I like but that does not seem to be possible is to have a collapsible QI box in the content or as a floating modal somewhere, but that does not seem to be possible at the moment.

Hope this all makes sense.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
This is pretty much as expected.

If you protect the part where the {index} tag is in the article, then that is the same as not having it there.
So the {index} tag in the module cannot find the one in the article.

The solution would be to place the {index} tag outside the part that you are hiding through CC.
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Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
PS: No, you cannot create an index of headings that are essentially not there (as they are removed because of CC).
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