Thank you for a great Modal extension for Joomla. It works great for playback of local videos in a popup window that sticks on top of other windows, and that can be resized and moved. Unfortunately, YouTube videos seems to be stuck in the middle of the current web-browser window, and cannot be resized and moved? Is there a way to get YouTube videos behave like playback of local videos, i.e. to get YouTube videos to float atop of all other windows and that can be resized and moved to another part of the screen? On my Joomla site I need the following functionality: Playback of local and YouTube videos that stick on top of all other windows (on Windows, Mac and iPad), and a smaller window that can be moved around (e.g. from top right to bottom left) - making it possible to do other thing while the video is played. Is this possible with the Modal extension?
Thanks for your help.
Petter Thorvaldsen,
What do you mean with resizing and moving?
The modals created by Regular Labs Modals cannot be resized and moved after opening them.
You probably have another modalscript getting in the way.
In the article I use the following (the only modal script):
<p>Video: {modal title="Videotest" description="Beskrivelse" url="<URL to local mp4 file>"}Videotest{/modal}</p>
When viewing the article and clicking this link the <URL to local mp4 file> is opened and played in a popup window. At the bottom of the video there are 3 vertical dots, when clicking on these I can choose "picture in picture", a small "picture in picture" window is opened - which can be resized and moved around and sticks on top of everything else. "picture in picture" is what I need. "picture in picture" is not available when playback of YouTube videos (?), which is what I'm looking for.
This is a pre-sales question because I need "picture in picture" for both local and YouTube videos. The site is in development and not online.
Local videos use the browsers video tag. The functionality in there is provided by the browser itself.
The options you have in a youtube video is offered by youtube.
Modals doesn't give those options itself. So no, there is no way to use those local video options on youtube videos via Modals.
Thanks a lot for your answers. If a put the videos on another web-server than Joomla (not YouTube), and access them with URLs in Modal (.mp4), will those videos be handled as local videos with browser tags? My Joomla web-host has limited disk space.