CDN pre-sale questions

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CDN pre-sale questions

Antonio The Ant's Avatar Antonio The Ant
I have a couple of questions about the CDN plugin.
On a client's site I need to stream a lot of audio and video content. The site is on a shared hosting, has no particular hardware resources, and I imagine it would have difficulty handling multiple streams at once. Would adopting the plugin with Cloudfront help serve users smoothly?
Does content always have to be uploaded to the hosting anyway, or through the plugin can it be uploaded directly to Cloudfront, avoiding going through the hosting?
Thank you for your attention
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
CDN for Joomla! only changes the urls of the media files in your html output, to point to the cdn equivalent.
If your cdn doesn't automatically pull the files from your server to the cdn server, then you will need to manually upload them yourself.
CDN for Joomla! does not upload files itself.
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