Page position lost on closing the [Modal] pop-up

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Page position lost on closing the [Modal] pop-up

Adam Banks's Avatar Adam Banks
Hi Peter ... I have the latest *free* version of Modals working fine on my Joomla (5.1.1) test site ... except for one oddity: if I open a modal from an image way down the page, the view always reverts to the top of the page after closing.

I've used the [paid] plugin happily for many years on a Joomla3 site (which I need to migrate) - and the behaviour there is correct.

Is this a function of not being able to control the size of the pop-up and the image it contains (now a paid feature) or is it a bug?

It's making me hold off purchasing the Pro version.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Probably down to some scrolling script on you site. Modals itself doesn't scroll the page.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Adam Banks's Avatar Adam Banks
Thanks for the quick reply, Peter. You're quite right (!). As part of the Purity III template, enabling the off-canvas sidebar does it. Maybe some of my layout CSS tweaks messed it up. Without it, it all works fine.

So ... if this post is public ... rest assured it is NOT a fault with Modals 🙂
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