Thank you for very quick answear.
May I ask you if you can see on my webpage (I will add it to nest Confidental information, as I don't want to show it at the moment for all).
There are few articles. Every of them have two tabs with language. On the top near Logo, there are two flags. When you click on one of them the language in tabs will change from PL to UA. Unfortunately this happens only for only first one, because, all other have aliases with added unique numbers.
Please let me know if you see any possibility to make it works for all tabs with full version of extension.
I know that I'm asking for some technical issues in pre-sale forum, but I will be happy to buy full version of extension, but I need to know if it will work this way.
thank for understanding me
Now I see thath I can add informatione here and hide some tex, so link to website is:
Confidential information: