I am trying AMM J4 for the first time so I installed the free version to check it out. I found that when a condition was added to one "articles category" module type, all other "articles category" module types displayed on all pages and their respective menu assignments were lost. This is a new installation on a new J4 site. AMM was not previously installed.
I realize this sounds like a support question, and I have not purchased it yet. I apologize for this. If possible, all I'd like to know is if this is expected behavior from AMM because I'm trying to assess what will be involved in using AMM on a site.
When adding a condition to a module, it is only connected to that module.
Conditions are not attached to module types. But individual modules.
If you attach a single Condition Set to different modules, and then change the Rules of that Condition Set, then that will affect all modules using that Condition Set.
If what you are experiencing is clearly different to this, let me know.
Also check if there are any conditions set on (attached to) the 'other' modules that seem affected.
I looked at the behavior more deeply and discovered that I was mistaken with my first statement. I thought AMM was doing something with the module type but as you said, it doesn't do that. I confused that with the fact that it was displaying all the modules on all pages, not just a specific module type.
What I can clearly conclude now is that after AMM was installed, the previous menu item assignments for all modules were cleared by AMM and with no condition set, therefore the modules are displaying on all pages. So, an easier question is this: When installing AMM, is it expected behavior that all menu item assignments are lost and must be individually reassigned?
When installing Advanced Module Manager, the existing menu assignments should get converted to conditions.
If that did not happen, then it looks like something went wrong during installation.
I tried installing it on another site as a test. I also uninstalled and reinstalled on the original site I was working on.
The same thing occurred -- the original menu assignments did not covert. I thought I might as well tell you even though it's the free version. No need to troubleshoot. It might not be a good solution for the sites I manage, which are built using similar components. Maybe there's a conflict with a component ?♀️
You will probably first have to set back your setup to before the installation of Advanced Module Manager, as the conversion will skip any modules that have already been handled.
Or: uninstall Advanced Module Manager and delete these tables from your database:
I uninstalled AMM and deleted the tables. I'm pleased to say that the development version worked. The existing menu assignments converted to AMM. I'm relieved to see this. AMM is a good solution to what my client is trying to accomplish.
In my previous attempts to uninstall and reinstall AMM, I had not deleted the database tables. To be sure that there wasn't an issue with existing tables, I also tried uninstalling AMM, deleting the AMM database tables, and reinstalling the regular version. The regular version did not convert the menu assignments. So whatever is different with the dev version, it worked.