Sourcerer | AJAX how?

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Sourcerer | AJAX how?

Kate's Avatar Kate

I need to make an ajax request from an article, but with J4 view.ajax.php doesn't work anymore.
So I created a module mod_ajax and tried com_ajax. mod_ajax works, but when I call link from he article I get error 500 (below), it seems com_ajax accept calls only from modules or plugins.

How do I make ajax request from an article?
Please help !

Joomla 4.01
jQuery: 3.6 - I used $.post(link) | link="index.php?option=com_ajax&module=ajax&format=json"

Thank you
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Sorry, but how Joomla urls act is outside the control of Sourcerer.
Sourcerer is just responsible for executing the code you tell it to. Not for how that code actually works.

For questions about Joomla core URLs and how to use them, I recommend you ask on the Joomla forum:
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
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