So far I have used a module in Joomla 3 to enter and evaluate php code. In some modules I used modules anywhere with the context {module module title}. This worked great.
Due to the switch to Joomla 4 and the removal of this module, I rewrote the php code into my own modules using sourcerer. But now calling another module in this module no longer works. I always get the warning message: 0 syntax error, unexpected string content "", expecting "-" or identifier or variable or number.
I can't understand this at all because the same php code is otherwise correct and worked before. The syntax {module title='Modultitle'} or the php interpretation [module title=\"Modultitle\"} does not bring any changes or improvements. The error message remains.
Are there any known problems with using Modules anywhere through sourcerer? Where is my problem? Can you help me?