Other Modules Anywhere questions

Problem displaying in home

stfeano's Avatar stfeano
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Hi I'm using the latest version of Yootheme tempalte and joomshopping ome component for ecommerce management and the module Vina Product Carousel for JShopping and I have a problem displaying in home of some products

the module has the name: Aesthetics and Podiatry Products and this is the link:

you should see the form here

and as you can see you cannot see the form, where am I wrong?

thanks a lot

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Are you using Modules Anywhere inside another module?
If so, switch on the 'Prepare Content' option in that module.
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stfeano's Avatar stfeano
yes I use it, if you want I put the data on it and you can see for yourself.
I can't find the entry: Prepare Content, can you show me a screenshot to understand?
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Are you using it inside a module of type 'Custom'? If so, that option is in the module settings.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
stfeano's Avatar stfeano
No I am using the module: Vina Product Carousel for JShopping
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Then I guess the issue is with that combination.
When placing it in a module, the moment Modules Anywhere gets to see and handle the {module} tags, the head of the HTML output (containing the scripts and stylesheet) is already decided. So modules can no longer add their stuff.

The only way around that is to ask the developers of the Vina Product Carousel to add an option to pass its content through the Joomla plugins (content and system) before outputting it.
Or add an extra Custom module somewhere that loads the scripts/styles that are necessary.
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