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WebAssetManager is locked, you came late

Jay Stevens's Avatar Jay Stevens
I'm using Joomla 4 with the Helix framework and Modules Anywhere Pro. I have a custom module with the following content:

<p><img src="images/abc_media/graphics/fishing_icon.jpg" alt="fishing icon" width="24%" />{module id="200"}</p>

Module 200 is a DJ-Image Slider module. When I try to display a page with this module assigned, I get the message:

WebAssetManager is locked, you came late.

Nothing I have tried allows me to display the custom module. The DJ-Image Slider module, when loaded into the webpage alone, loads fine, but I cannot load it into the custom module using Modules Anywhere.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Try switching on the Prepare Content option in the module itself.

If that doesn't help, do you get the same error when trying to load it in through the Joomla code {loadmodule} tags?
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Calvin's Avatar Calvin
I know this is an older thread, but I'm getting the same message on a newly updated J3 --> J4 website.

When I have Modules Anywhere installed, the homepage of the site has the layout all messed up. A couple of extensions lose formatting, an embedded video expands to full size, etc. The news display stacks instead of being in columns, a slider has the two images stacked. Down on the page (with debug turned on), I get the "WebAssetManager is locked" message.

When I uninstall Modules Anywhere, the page looks the way it should, with everything in proper columns, the slider works, and the news display is in four columns.

It seems that this is only an issue with the homepage, as embedded modules on other pages seem to be fine.

When I switch to the native {loadmodule} embed, everything works properly, also.

Here's site info (hidden):

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Please let me know what you find out. Thanks!

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Are you using Modules Anywhere inside another module? If so, switch on the Prepare Content option in that module.
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Calvin's Avatar Calvin
That fixed it. I guess this is one of those changes from J3 to J4. In Joomla 3, this same module did not need to have the "Prepare Content" flag enabled for it to work. Now I know what to look for.

Thanks for the prompt reply and help.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Yeah, it is a change (limitation) in Joomla 4.
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Patrick's Avatar Patrick
Hello Peter

I get same error message.

But I use {module 123} inside of main menu. Menu link is of type "Separator".

As soon as I enable the modules anywhere plugin I get WebAssetManager error message.

Menu link has no "Prepare Content" option.

Any idea how to solve this?



Joomla 4.2.7
Modules Anywhere 7.16.1Pro

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Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
The moment Modules Anywhere sees the menu module, the HTML head of the page is already rendered.
So it can no longer add scripts and styles.

A way around this is to create a module of type Custom. Then place your menu module in that using Modules Anywhere.

So then that Custom module is your menu module wrapper, and you assign that to the menu position.
Your actual menu module will be shown through Modules Anywhere, so you do not have to assign that to the menu position.

Of course, you can then switch on the "Prepare Content" option in that wrapper module.
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Patrick's Avatar Patrick
In menulink of type "Separator" I load the search module, not a menu.

Anyway, I added module of type custom html (labeled "Load menu module here"), inside there I load the menu module using modules anywhere. I assigend the custom html module to hornav position, the menu module to none position. Now no error is shown but no menu is shown either.
Patrick's Avatar Patrick
Finally I got it working: Loading the menu module inside of a custom html module. But menu and whole layout are broken and content is not loaded. So it's useless...

I give up on this. Sad to see it worked before in J3 but now not anymore in J4.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Menu and layout are probably down to the module styling (chrome) that is used.

That it was working in J3 and not in J4 is not down to a change in Modules Anywhere but in a change in Joomla itself... the WebAssetManager.
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Patrick's Avatar Patrick
Sometimes new does not mean = better 🙂

I'll check regarding chrome styling, thanks for the hint.
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