Other Modules Anywhere questions

Setting of parameters in modules anywhere

Peter Tuson's Avatar Peter Tuson
Hello Peter, sorry to trouble you.

I run two servers, one for development the other live. Both are at the same version and I keep both Joomla and the extensions all up to date. So Joomla is on 10.0.1 and Modules Anywhere is on 7.13.5.

A few months ago I tried the setting of parameter in the modules for the first time. I found that it worked even if the parameter wasn't defined in the module - just what I was looking for.

Now I find that while this is still working on the test server it is not on the live server. I have checked the setup for the System Modules Anywhere and made sure that they are the same across both servers and overriding parameters has been enabled on both. The relevant module is set up as content for a modal and looks like this:

{modalcontent banner} {module title="PDF Central Download" notify="LinkedIn" magnet="Banner"} {/modalcontent} {modal content="banner" height="500px"} <img style="display: block; width: 100%;" src="images/Magnet/Banners.png" alt="Banners LinkedIn Article" /> {/modal}

There are no console errors on either server - plenty of css warnings.

Have you any idea where I might look for issues or what I might do to solve the problem.


Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
It is probably due to the system plugin ordering. Try changing the ordering of the plugins in question.
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Peter Tuson's Avatar Peter Tuson

Thanks. I moved all of the Regular Labs plugins to the top.

I then cleared the cache and it started working again.

We have to keep an eye on it to make sure the cache doesn't mess it up again.

In what position should modal be relative to modules etc anywhere?


Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
The order if those shouldn't really matter. I would place Modules Anywhere before Modals.
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Peter Tuson's Avatar Peter Tuson


Peter Tuson's Avatar Peter Tuson
Hello Peter,

Sorry to trouble you again.

The parameters have stopped working. I have checked that all of your extensions are top of the plugin system list and I have cleared the cache, but no difference. I am using Modules Anywhere 7.13.5 and Modals 11.9.3.

I am on Joomla 3.10.3. Same code as above.

Can you help at all?


Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Which parameters have stopped working?
On Modals or on Modules Anywhere?
Do you have this online so I can take a look?
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Peter Tuson's Avatar Peter Tuson
Hello Peter,

The code is:

<div class="pdf_article">{modalcontent msearch}{module title="PDF Download" notify=”Gain the Graduate Scheme of your Dreams"}{/modalcontent}{modal content="msearch"}<img src="images/GradSchemeDownload.png" alt="Download Article" />{/modal}</div>

so it is using modules anywhere within a modal.

The site example is

This is the image half way down the article showing computers and with the button 'Download Now' on it. Clicking on this brings up a form with hidden items, which you can see in web developer tools. One of these items is 'notify' which should have a value ”Gain the Graduate Scheme of your Dreams" but is has the value ''.

The code to set the value is:
echo '<input id="notify" type="hidden" name="notify" value="' . $params->get('notify') . '"/>';

on the default template for the PDF Download.


Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
I am not sure why it isn't working on your setup like expected. I have tested it here on my setups and works fine.
So probably some other extension is causing a conflict.

Can you give me (super) admin and (s)ftp access so I can take a look?
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Peter Tuson's Avatar Peter Tuson
Hello Peter,

I tried unpublishing other modules on the page and changing the name of this module but to no avail.

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Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
I would need ftp access to be able to see what is going on under the hood.
If you can reproduce this issue on a setup to which I can get FTP access, I am happy to look into this further.
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Peter Tuson's Avatar Peter Tuson

I tried with my test machine but that didn't work either.

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I hope that helps.

All the best.


Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
The ftp account just gives me access to an empty folder. I have no access to your root website folder with this.
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Peter Tuson's Avatar Peter Tuson

Sorry, As I said it is some 45 years since I last use ftp. I use ssh nowadays.

I have deleted your account and reinstated it with a new account with the home directory now the home directory for the site.

I have checked it.

By the way, my test computer is running Debian Linux and I had to install ftp to check it.


Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Ok, the issue is with an incorrect quote in:
{module title="PDF Download" notify=”Gain the Graduate Scheme of your Dreams"}
The first quote on the notify value is not a normal quote. This causes the syntax to be incorrect.
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Peter Tuson's Avatar Peter Tuson
Hello Peter,

Very well spotted.

It is very difficult to spot this sort of problem.

My daughter uses a Mac Book which I think is the source of the problem.

Can I disable your accounts now?


Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Yes, you can ?
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Peter Tuson's Avatar Peter Tuson
Hello Peter,

I have disabled your admin account and deleted the ftp account.

Thanks for your help.


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