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Website is loaded into modal after logging in

M. Stiekema's Avatar M. Stiekema
Hello Peter,

I use a module (SCLogin) in a modal at . After logging in, the modal does not close and the website is loaded within the modal.

We also did this years ago at and things are going well there (also with modals and SCLogin).

What am I overlooking or doing incorrectly?

I see that you have made the login in a pop-up on your website, so it must be possible 😉

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Urls will be opened in iframe mode.
to make the page - after logging in - to load in the main window, then you would have to make the form post to the target _parent or _top.

An other option would be to load a login module inside the main page, and open that via an inline content modal:
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M. Stiekema's Avatar M. Stiekema
Hi Peter,

We now have a login with a menu item single article with this code as menu button: [[modal width="300" height="320" ]]Inloggen[[/modal]]
And we have a module with this code: [[modal theme="dark" width="300" height="320" article="Inloggen"]]Inloggen[[/modal]]

Both still do the same, not closing the pop-up and loading the website in the modal.
Please have a look:
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Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Correct. Those are both loading urls, and will load as an iframe. See previous reply.
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Gonzalo Heredia's Avatar Gonzalo Heredia
Hi Peter, sorry to interrupt you but after migrate my site to Joomla 4 and updated all the extensions and plugins to J4 the problem that I have with modals is that I'm using modals to open a login form and after a successful login the modal window doesn't close as on J3 and the site is displayed inside the modal window.
This is the code I'm using: {modal url="index.php?Itemid=223" class="btn-ssl btn-block-ssl"}{source}[[?php echo JText::_('LOGIN');?]]{/source}{/modal}
I read the article you sent previously in your first answer but I can't understand what to do to fix this issue in J4.
Could you please guide me?
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
You could use Modules Anywhere (or use core Joomla) to place the login module, like:
{modal content="login" class="btn-ssl btn-block-ssl"}{source}[[?php echo JText::_('LOGIN');?]]{/source}{/modal}
{modalcontent login}{module title="Login Form"}{/modalcontent}
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