Other Modals questions

Modal not working if not iframe

Jacqueline Blanch's Avatar Jacqueline Blanch
Hi Peter

I have a site here

Confidential information:

I have modals installed on this page to popup the profiles listed (not in iframes)

Embedded in this article is a convert forms form (ID number 48) but the conditionals are not working properly on it

I cannot upgrade this site to Joomla 4 yet but we have the last J3, up to date modals and up to date convert forms

The buttons in the book an expert bar session should not show until an option is chosen

Please help, we have a huge Launch on Wednesday Australia time and I really want these articles to pop up with the forms working properly


Jacqueline Blanch's Avatar Jacqueline Blanch
If you need FTP

Confidential information:

I would prefer not to use iframes because the size is wrong and it seems to link inside the frame and we need it going to a new tab for the next steps.


Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Sorry, I offer no support whatsoever on outdated versions of Joomla and my extensions.
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