Other Modals questions

hiding nav bar when viewing Modal content

A Heng's Avatar A Heng
Since latest update of Modals, I can't seem to hide the nav bar when viewing modal content;therefore some of the modal content is hidden. I tried to change the z-index on the nav bar but no luck. Any suggestions on what I may doing wrong.

{modal class="modalHideMenu" width="80%" height="800" article="364"}Read Trip Liability Information{/modal}

my class is modalHideMenu.css, nav, section#rstpl-main-menu-position, #rstpl-main-menu-position 
       {z-index: -1 !important; display:none !important;}
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
That is not how a classname works in CSS.
The class="..." attribute does not load your custom CSS file of that name.
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A Heng's Avatar A Heng
Would you have a solution? It seemed to have worked before the latest update. Just curious. Thanks
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
You need to make sure that your CSS file loads yourself. Probably via the template file. Or add your custom styles to the stylesheet of your template.

Then reference the classname you give to the modal in the CSS style declaration.

For more info about how elements get their styling, you can use the Element Inspector of your browser.
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A Heng's Avatar A Heng
I've resolved this issue by overriding template css line controlling the navbar. Thank you.
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