Other GeoIp questions

GeoIp and GDPR

Simone Rindlisbacher's Avatar Simone Rindlisbacher
Hi, I installed GeoIp and Advanced Module Manager to show different Vimeo videos depending on the visitor's location.
Neither at regular Labs nor at Max Mind can I find any information about the consequences of this regarding GDPR, i.e. where which data may or may not be stored.
Can you please enlighten me on that?
Thank you!
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Neither GeoIP, nor Advanced Module Manager stores the IP address in a manner that would have anything to do with GDPR.

Advanced Module Manager can cache the result of the condition (whether the IP passes the location test). But that is in no way connected to the user information in your database.
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Simone Rindlisbacher's Avatar Simone Rindlisbacher
Thank you Peter!
It's good to know that I don't have to do anything special when it comes to data protection.
Have a nice day!
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