lately I get the following error message with various extensions (e.g. Cache Cleaner or Advance Module Manager):
You have not entered your Download Key yet.
Without the Download Key, you will not be able to update when new versions of Cache Cleaner (Pro versions) are released.
You can find your Download Key under Download Keys on the Regular Labs website after logging in.
Please enter your Regular Labs Download Key:
Unfortunately, entering the download key does not help. The message keeps coming. Cache Cleaner does not work at all anymore ... What may be the reason?
Many greetings
Can you give me (super) admin and (s)ftp access so I can take a look?
You can use the 'Confidential information' button in the forum editor to hide sensitive information.
And FTP won't connect either... Seems like it doesn't accept the password.
I also see that you have some weird continuous requests to 'detroitchicago/greenoaks.gif' on your admin side.
Something to do with 'Ezoic', whatever that is.
Sorry again, there I gave you the wrong user. I tried some accounts and mismatched. Here are the correct data:
Confidential information:
And yes, the code is from the CDN of Ezoic, but it should not matter. On other Joomla sites everything works fine with the CDN, Joomla and regularlabs.