Other Extension Manager questions

Error on Update

Liz Willner's Avatar Liz Willner
Hi, I had a J3 site I am taking to J4. I successfully did that but something didnt work right i think. I am using articles fields pro.
when i go to components>extension manager I get the following error:

Your installed version of Regular Labs - Extension Manager is not compatible with Joomla 4.
Please check if there is a version of Regular Labs - Extension Manager available for Joomla 4 and install that. but you can see from the screenshot that i have the most recent installed.

see screen shot of what i have installed etc.

can you tell me what to do? I do not want to lose my article fields connections. that is the important part.
Liz Willner's Avatar Liz Willner
thanks i reinstalled it and it worked!
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