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Update Error - Error Failed to extract file:

Andrew Crossan's Avatar Andrew Crossan
Unable to update Regular Labs Extensions via the Regular Lab Extension manager or the Joomla! extension updater.

When I try to update via the Regular lab Extension manager I get this error:

Regular Labs - Extension Manager
Installation failed

When I try to update via the Joomla! extension updater I get this error:
Failed to extract file:

I can download each update from Regular Labs, manually upload each update, and that works, but I'd like to get this working.

There are other extensions that update via the Joomla! extension updater without issue. Today I updated the Joomlashack Framework extension and also recently updated Docman from Joomlatools.

Thought it might have been hosting related, but when we switched from siteground to LiquidWeb the issue persisted.

Thought it might be htaccess related, but switched out for Admin Tools Pro htaccess for the basic htaccess that ships with Joomla! and no change. (Restored secure htaccess file)

Tried deactivating Admin Tools Pro, but no change. (Reactivated now)

Ever seen anything like this?
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Weird stuff.
Could be some issue with folder permissions.

First try a rebuild of the Update Sites (in Joomla).
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Andrew Crossan's Avatar Andrew Crossan
Rebuilt all sites in update sites - attempted via the extension manager and J! extension manager - issue persists.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Can you give me (super) admin and (s)ftp access so I can take a look?
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Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Andrew Crossan's Avatar Andrew Crossan
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Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
When trying to update via the Regular Labs Extension Manager, the popup shows n error screen:
"Access Denied - Sucuri Website Firewall"... Could that also be the reason stuff is not working correctly for you? Firewall getting in the way?
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Andrew Crossan's Avatar Andrew Crossan
Possible, I can whitelist your IP. I get the same error when I work from a workstation I haven't whitelisted.

Nicholas at Akeeba (similar problem with those extensions) indicated to me "Sucuri has nothing to do with it, nor does .htaccess, nor Admin Tools. All of these handle requests from the Internet TO your web server software (not even to your server as a whole).

Updates are about making requests to the Internet FROM your server (regardless of whether it's a script running through your web server software or the command line), namely to each software vendor's update and download servers. These are blocked by the operating system level firewall and/or transparent proxying set up on your site's server."

I am troubleshooting with Liquid Web (hosting) also. But not getting anywhere there.

Please provide your IP address and I'll whitelist it in Sucuri. If you think it might be a solution, I can whitelist the any IP addresses that might also prevent the updates from happening.
Andrew Crossan's Avatar Andrew Crossan
If this helps, I use Watchful to monitor and update just shy of 50 sites. I can update Regular Labs extensions via Watchful for all sites except this one.

The error i get there is "Invalid response received from the site: Watchful Remote System can't find the update record"
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
My own IP is currently:

It's weird that the firewall kicks in on that popup, but not for the rest of the administrator.

Can you also whitelist the IP of my website, where the zip files are coming from:
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Andrew Crossan's Avatar Andrew Crossan
Andrew Crossan's Avatar Andrew Crossan
No difference for me.

I do have other sites on Sucuri and this isn't an issue.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Well, that cost me an hour of my life.
This is all caused by the Innato Updater Utility.
That plugin messes with the download URLs passed to the Joomla core installer.

Disable that, and all is well.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Andrew Crossan's Avatar Andrew Crossan
Much appreciated.
Andrew Crossan's Avatar Andrew Crossan
Make sense - knowing that's what it is. I sincerely appreciate your time. Disappointed that I didn't think to try that...
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