Other Email Protector questions

email protector not working in a component

Anne Garger's Avatar Anne Garger
Email Protector plugin is activated

I am showing emails through a components.

I thought email protector would have protected these emails from spam but several people who have email addresses posted on my website in this component received unsolicited email, here is my info

php 8.1.31
Email Protector v6.1.8 [PRO]
Joomla! Version Joomla! 4.4.10 Stable [ Pamoja ] 7-January-2025 16:00 GMT
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Check your html output to see if the email addresses are there.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Anne Garger's Avatar Anne Garger
thanks, should have checked the source code first, the emails are being cloaked but I guess humans can still read the emails and send my members spam.

Consider this resolved.
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