Coming back to the discussion I started a couple of days ago (
I use the email protector plugin together with a search an other search/replace plugin (
I need the email protect plugin to go last, after the search/replace plugin has done its work.
Unfortunately, whatever order I put the plugins in, it does not work: the replace plugin stops to work.
I got in contact with the developer of this plugin to fin out that EOR runs with "onContentPrepare" and that the setting is "'onAfterRender' => ,". To remove the low priority does not help, we already tested that.
I'm not a programmer, so my knowledge is very limited (almost not existent), and I don't know if that information helps to solve the issue. But maybe you can help anyway.
Yeah, sorry.
When 2 extensions don't work nicely together, you can quickly get into a situation where the issue is always "with the other extension".
It would also require me to try and figure out how EOR works and what it is doing, etc.
Seeing I have full insight in Email Protector and ReReplacer, and full freedom to apply any changes necessary, that's the easiest route for both of us.
Sorry.. need to "open" this one again.
I transferred the settings from the dev environment to the productive website today and discovered the problem again:
Despite of ordering the re-replacer plugin (second last) and the email protector plugin (last) the desired behavior doesn't work and the re-replacer / email protector stops to work. or the like.
Here is the code of the site that should be removed completely by re-replacer:
Creating a rule that does that gives the correct result. It works as long as the email protector plugin is _not_ activated.
The moment I activate email protector that little code snip gets displayed again.
I would think this is an ordering problem, but I checked the order a couple of times.
Are you placing this snippet inside an article or module?
If so, set the replacement to Search Area: Articles/Content.
If in a module, make sure you switch on the "Prepare Content" option in the module.
Ordering of system plugins: ReReplacer, Snippets, Email Protector
Thanks for picking up!
No, the content is delivered by a component called custom tables. So the replace rule is limited to the body of the site, and it works as long the protector plugin is deactivated. Only after activation this specific rule stops working. Others - not related to Email addresses keep working.
I can't find a snippets system plugin, but the order of ReReplacer and Email Protector is exactly the way you mentioned.
Can you give me (super) admin so I can take a look?
And tell me on what url I can see/reproduce the issue.
You can use the 'Confidential information' button in the forum editor to hide sensitive information.
Thanks a lot.
I thought I tried this but I guess I was wrong about that.
Maybe you find time to explain why that change of the setting made it work. Seems to me as if it would not make any difference if the plugin does it's search & replace inside the body or inside the component area since the latter is a part of the body.
Let's say you set the "Enable in area" of the ReReplacer item to "Everywhere".
When the content is checked at the onAfterDispatch, the ReReplacer item will not be handled, as it will do that later at the onAfterRender stage.
But Email Protector will see the email address at that onAfterDispatch and will handle (replace) it.
So when the onAfterRender stage is done, that ReReplacer item can no longer see what you are making it search for, as Email Protector already changed it.