Other Email Protector questions

Must not cloak inside pulldown menu in form

Bas van den Dikkkenberg's Avatar Bas van den Dikkkenberg
I am making a component where a person can select an e-mail adres, but plugin changes the html and the e-mail is not visebol in the pull down menu:

               <form action="index.php" method="post" name="adminForm" id="adminForm">
                    <div class="row">
                        <label class="col-md-4 col-form-label m-lg-2 " for="mailbox">Mailbox</label>
                        <div class="col-md-6 pt-2">
                            <p class="form-control-static ">
                                <select name="mailbox" id="mailbox" class="form-control">
                                    <option value="">-- Selecteer --</option>
									                                        <option value="" selected><!-- Dit e-mailadres is beschermd tegen spambots. --><span class="cloaked_email ep_f7433d0a"><span data-ep-a3ece="&#118;&#100;&#46;d" data-ep-b3e8a="&#46;&#110;l"><span data-ep-b3e8a="c&#110;&#101;t" data-ep-a3ece="&#105;&#107;&#107;&#101;"><span data-ep-b3e8a="&#103;&#64;&#104;c" data-ep-a3ece="&#110;&#98;&#101;&#114;"></span></span></span></span><script>RegularLabs.EmailProtector.unCloak("ep_f7433d0a");</script></option>
									                                        <option value="" ><!-- Dit e-mailadres is beschermd tegen spambots. --><span class="cloaked_email ep_bdf8a4b1"><span data-ep-a3ece="&#118;&#100;.&#100;&#105;" data-ep-b3e8a="&#110;l"><span data-ep-a3ece="&#107;&#107;e&#110;b" data-ep-b3e8a="&#99;net&#46;"><span data-ep-b3e8a="b&#50;&#64;&#104;c" data-ep-a3ece="&#101;&#114;gs&#117;"></span></span></span></span><script>RegularLabs.EmailProtector.unCloak("ep_bdf8a4b1");</script></option>
									                                        <option value="" ><!-- Dit e-mailadres is beschermd tegen spambots. --><span class="cloaked_email ep_c49805b4"><span data-ep-b3e8a="&#46;&#110;&#108;" data-ep-a3ece="d&#101;&#109;"><span data-ep-a3ece="&#111;d&#101;" data-ep-b3e8a="&#110;&#101;&#116;"><span data-ep-b3e8a="&#104;&#99;c" data-ep-a3ece="&#112;&#111;&#64;"></span></span></span></span><script>RegularLabs.EmailProtector.unCloak("ep_c49805b4");</script></option>
Bas van den Dikkkenberg's Avatar Bas van den Dikkkenberg
Workaround put plugin only for guests but it is not a solution
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Why do you want to use Email Protector at all, if you want to place email addresses in your form? Makes no sense.

If you want to protect your emails, then don't put them as options in a form.
You could simply put the names in the form (part before the @), or some other representation of the person/department behind the email addresses.
Then have the form assemble the mailbox from that info.
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Bas van den Dikkkenberg's Avatar Bas van den Dikkkenberg
This is module for loged in users they can select witch e-mail adres to use.
So thats why i want a pull down in form.

But i want email adresses in articles to be protected, but
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Try adding somewhere on that form page...
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