Other DB Replacer questions

Mistakes made updating internal links

Don Schaefer's Avatar Don Schaefer
Thanks to your help with a prior issue. I was able to replace about 600 instances of the old tabs with new.

I tried replacing some internal links, though, and messsed up.

I don't remember the exact search term I used but I was replacing:
<a href="images/stories/Bill-Of-Rights/Documents/artistsbillofrightscreatespositivepr.pdf">adopt the principles</a>

<a href=“images/stories/Bill-Of-Rights/Documents/Bill_of_Rights_Principles.pdf">adopt the principles</a>

This is how the link portion of my result ended up:

Is there any way to fix?
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Easiest is to just place roll back to the backup of your database you made just before the replacement.

Otherwise you could try and search for something like:

Replace with:

Also make sure you use the right type of quotes in your replacements.
A " is not the same as a “
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