Other Content Templater questions

Frontend - Buttons shown white on white ground under JCE

Niko Winckel's Avatar Niko Winckel
Hi Peter,
I am using the Content Templater in the Frontend for some users (Manager-Group). With JCE and CodeMirror, the buttons are shown below the Editor-Field, but white on white ground. That is pretty white only 🙂
Can you point me out to change the color for this.
Best regards
PS: It's on a Joomla4 Site with latest patches of JCE, Content Templater and Joomla (of course)
PPS: On TinyMCE the buttons are not shown in the frontend at all.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Seems to me like an issue with your template (or JCE).
The editor buttons don't control the color of the buttons themselves.
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