after doing today's release I get
0: RegularLabs\Component\Conditions\Administrator\Condition\Geo\Geo::getGeo(): Return value must be of type array, stdClass returned
Hmmm, you have/had multiple records of the 'Regular Labs Library'. I tried to uninstall... but now there are breaking errors preventing me from reinstalling.
Can you also give me (s)ftp access so I can fix this?
If you can't get the ftp working for me, the easiest way to fix this would be to delete all Regular Labs extensions that are in the /plugins/system folder.
And then re-install them (latest versions).
Sorry about the wrong credentials: I am not at home today so I had to do it quickly without checking first myself.
But after
- deleting the folders you mentioned
- reinstalling everything (they were all having a new version anyway btw)
- re-enabling what I had disabled as a temporarily workaround
tadaaaam, everything works now!
So txs a lot for the updates and for looking into that.