Sean Carney
I am having a problem with Regular Labs Conditions not working with Joomshapers SP Page Builder. Another user has mentioned in the ticket that I opened there two weeks ago that they are having a similar problem with the SP Page Builder. I am assuming this is something that they need to fix but I wanted to ask in case you have any ideas what they might do to fix this.
I will post my ticket to them here and then also post the comment from their other user:
My Ticket to Joomshaper:
Title: Sp Page Builder Overriding Condition Sets
SP Page Builder Pro pages appears to disregard all Regular Labs Conditions sets. Joomla articles honor them.
On our site at we created some ad banners that are to display ONLY in New Zealand. We do this using Regular Labs - Conditions.
This is working great for Banners displaying on Joomla article pages. But, it is NOT working at all for Banners displaying within an SP Page Builder Addon. It appears that SP Page Builder disregards the Regular Labs - Conditions.
Right now we have a banner module Titled: "Banner #3 Main Page New Zealand" This is assigned in our SP Page Builder on our Home page to an addon. The Addon is in the right column of the fourth row. It is a Joomla Module assigned to a Joomla module position. The Module position is named "Banner03 Main".
This module is assigned to a condition set to display the Banner only in New Zealand. However, it is displaying everywhere.
In order to determine if this was caused by the SP Page Builder, I duplicated the module and assigned it to the right column of our Joomla articles. The module is NOT visible outside of New Zealand. It is working well. However, the same Country condition is not working within the SP Page Builder Addon.
The module that is working properly is Titled: "Banner #3 Article View New Zealand" and displays on EVERY article page, but ONLY in New Zealand. This is how it is supposed to work.
In summary:
We cannot see the Passover banner on the Article pages here in the USA (and other countries) because the GEO ID is working properly and ONLY displaying that module to users in New Zealand. That means that the Conditions are working properly.
We can see the Passover banner on the homepage here in the USA (outside of New Zealand) because there is possibly a bug in the SP Page Builder? This is why I am submitting this ticket. The Conditions we set up for the module appear to be being disregarded. I had hoped that by assigning the Joomla module to a Module Position and then loading the Module Position into the Page Builder Addon we would circumvent this. I tried to place the module directly in the Page Builder Addon as well. Both options did not work.
The banner on the homepage is supposed to be behaving the same way as the banner on the Articles pages; Only displaying in New Zealand. But, it is not working properly. Both banner modules are using the same Condition regarding Country: NZ (New Zealand).
Here is a picture of the banner that should NOT be displaying anywhere except in New Zealand. This is working in Joomla Articles but not in SP Page Builder Addons.
Ticket response from other user:
Sheryl Prucka
1 week ago
I have the same problem using Regular Labs Conditional Content in the Header section based on device size. Is there a solution?