Other Conditional Content questions

Getting error on Insert in J3

Brady McCain's Avatar Brady McCain
I noticed that this was updated on 7/1 for Joomla 4. I'm using Joomla 3 and get an error when I try to insert conditional content. I enter the content and conditions. When I click the Insert button, it appears as if nothing happens. Looking at the Console, I see this error popup each time I click Insert...
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getValue')
at Object.getContents (popup.min.js?v=4.0.0.p:16:262)
at Object.getOutput (popup.min.js?v=4.0.0.p:5:628)
at Object.insertText (popup.min.js?v=4.0.0.p:5:524)
at HTMLButtonElement.onclick (index.php?rl_qp=1&folder=plugins.editors-xtd.conditionalcontent&file=popup.php&name=jform_articletext:445:198)
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
I cannot reproduce this issue. All working fine for me.

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