Other CDN for Joomla! questions

Problem with connection to CDN

Manuela Babilon's Avatar Manuela Babilon

I use
Joomla 4.3.1
Yootheme Pro 4.0
Regular Labs CDN for Joomla! 6.2.2
Zoo 4.1.36
Zoolander's YOOtheme Pro Essentials 2.0.2
Zoolander's ZOO Essentials 2.0.8

and as a CDN server

I set everything up as described at and at yours. Unfortunately, the image paths are not rewritten as described on the website.
What am I doing wrong.
<source type="image/webp" srcset="/component/ajax/?p=image&amp;src=file%3Dimages%252FImages_USA%252FLiberty_statue_Your_USA_Visa.jpg%26type%3Dwebp%2C85%26thumbnail%3D585%2C260%2C&amp;hash= 6c9b93c0 585w" sizes="(max aspect ratio: 585/260) 225vh">
<img src="/component/ajax/?p=image&amp;src=file%3Dimages%252FImages_USA%252FLiberty_statue_Your_USA_Visa.jpg%26thumbnail%3D585%2C260%2C&amp;hash=b8ce81e7" alt="Liberty Statue Your USA VISA" loading= "eager" class="el-image uk-transition-opaque" uk-cover="" style="height: 260px; width: 585px;" width="585" height="260">

As you can see from the excerpt, there is no connection to

The page online so you can see the problem for yourself. Below is the link.

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Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
These are not actual static image files, but URLs (PHP files) that render images (/component/ajax/?).
You can't point those to the CDN, as your CDN won't know what to do with the url.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Manuela Babilon's Avatar Manuela Babilon
OK I can understand that. But what can I do. Since I'm using Yootheme Pro and that's how the framework works.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Ask Yootheme if there is an option to use normal links to the images. If not, then you can't use a CDN on those urls.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
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