Other Cache Cleaner questions

Regular labs Cache Cleaner

J Labuschagne's Avatar J Labuschagne
I assume this is not really a problem here but if not it is still interesting Someone may see the same problem


I am not understanding what is going on at all
Joomla 4.3 Sigplus, JCE Pro
I have links that do not see the image file
I use {gallery}File name {/gallery} in a separate article. Including in the image folder is a .txt file. I link to this article via an image in the main article using JCE PRO Link

Now In the front end the link shows the .txt file but not the images

On my laptop the system does not even see the Image folder in the backroom yet my desktop works fine

Now why do I call Cache cleaner

It looks like there are stuff that does not delete properly out of the J4.3 image folder
I now have seen intermittent images that when I upload the previously deleted image to the folder from where it was previously deleted as gives the message "images exist Doy you want to replace" Yet the folder has been cleared. Just had a .txt file do that After chatting to JCE pro he suggested that their may be some files that is not cleared out of the Image folder but lurks in some background file where it starts trouble I have a article where all the links work perfectly yet later when I worked on the file al the images were gone and just .txt data remains
I have lots of files folders and sub-folders in images (+/- 500 images on file
This problem started over the last few weeks
I thought it was cleared when I found J4.3 Dashboard-Maintenance -Database indicated an error with wrong database in use I cleared that but no change

Conclusion It looks like some Files/images/ are not cleared when deleted. This then cause some problems down the line
Does Cache cleaner pro look at cleaning the image folder cache

Maybe one oy the developers can escalate to the JOOMLA developers I will gladly co-operate (you should have me email in your files)

A rather troubled old man having trouble with his baby (damn 7 years of work)
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
It seems like your issue is with Sigplus. So you should ask them for help and support on this.

I am not sure that using Cache Cleaner to try and fix an issue in their extension is the best route.

But yes, you should be able to tell Cache Cleaner to clear specific folders. I don't know how Sigplus caches the images, so you'll have to figure that out.

PS: This is not a bugreport (for a Regular Labs extension). I moved this topic to the Cache Cleaner forum)
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