SOLVED: Rereplacer does not work when Behaviour

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SOLVED: Rereplacer does not work when Behaviour - Backward Compatibility plugin is disabled.

Peter van der Hulst's Avatar Peter van der Hulst
Hi Peter,
When using J5 (5.2.4) , PHP 8.3.17, without the Behaviour - Backward Compatibility plugin activated I get:

Class "JFactory" not found

# Function .....- Location:
1 ()...... /var/www/vhosts/
2 regularlabs_php_97f20a832e14e40de6c06f40dd05272d()......JROOT/libraries/regularlabs/src/Php.php:39
3 RegularLabs\Library\Php::execute()......JROOT/plugins/system/sourcerer/src/Replace.php:623
4 RegularLabs\Plugin\System\Sourcerer\Replace::replaceTagsPHP()......JROOT/plugins/system/sourcerer/src/Replace.php:381

So I think Rereplacer is not ready yet for use with the Behaviour - Backward Compatibility plugin NOT activated.

Best regards,
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
No, this is down to custom php code you are using somewhere in a Sourcerer code block.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Peter van der Hulst's Avatar Peter van der Hulst
Thank you Peter. You are completely right. It was in my Sourcerer code.
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