Article Fields prevents ACF Upload Fields...

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Article Fields prevents ACF Upload Fields (Tassos) to run correctly

Dennis Helm's Avatar Dennis Helm
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Hi Peter,

first i hope you´re good so far!

Together with Tassos i´ve discovered, that your Plugin "Article Fields" which i´ve used flawless so far (latest Version 4.2.1) prevents (interfeeres) working his ACF "Uploads" Plugin correctly. When Uploading a new Image, the image itself is uploaded correctly, but the path seems not to be stored in the Database due to your Plugin.

Please see:

Any Idea?
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Are you using the latest version of Articles Field?
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Dennis Helm's Avatar Dennis Helm
Yes, i do.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Can you give me (super) admin and (s)ftp access so I can take a look?
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Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Dennis Helm's Avatar Dennis Helm
Hi Peter,

thanks. Credentials are now provided. Let me know if you need something more.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
I truly have no idea what is going on behind the scenes.
It seems the image is uploaded and saved correctly. But when saving the article itself (or refreshing the page), the file is deleted again.
There is nothing in Articles Field itself that would directly do that.
So no idea whyat is triggering that behavior....
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Dennis Helm's Avatar Dennis Helm
Thats weird!
Can you confirm that when disabling your Plugin then the Article is saved correctly with the image path?
Is there anything i can do to figure it out? What would be the "normal" approach for finding a solution?

Thanks mate!
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
It's a difficult one and there is no "normal" approach here.
I see that when Articles Field is enabled, that ACF Uploads (or something else???) is deleting the image after saving.
What it is, and what is causing what, hard to tell without deeply diving into the code of ACF Uploads and backtracking why things are triggered.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Dennis Helm's Avatar Dennis Helm
Hey Peter,

thanks for your help!
I´ve tried to deactivate Plugins one by one but have no success. Only when disabling your article fields, the other Component from Tassos works.
I´ve made some testings then with his version of ACF Articles which for the moment has no issues. So thats leads to a lot of Work recustomising m a lot of templates.
Nevertheless of course i really valuate your Plugins and thank you once again for the investigation.

Andrea Malalana's Avatar Andrea Malalana
Hey there,

Andy here, (former?) moderator/helper

I just tested this on my end following your exact steps, and I can't reproduce it on my end. And I've been using both plugins for a long time and I've never seen this happen. Really really weird.

Can you test this on a clean set up, with a clean Joomla installation, and just those two plugins installed, and see if you can reproduce it on your server that way?
Dennis Helm's Avatar Dennis Helm
Hi Andy,
thanks for getting back on this. As i wrote Peter, our solution to quickfix in particular Case was to uninstall Article Fields by RL and replace it by the corresponding ACF from Tassos. Due to missing time of Checking out all Plugins we use on this site, we had to apply this quickfix.
Thanks anyway,
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