Updating Advanced Module Manager adds User:...

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Updating Advanced Module Manager adds User: Super User condition to Creative Slider extension

Calvin's Avatar Calvin
Periodically when I update Advanced Module Manager, the extension Creative Slider offlajn.com/creative-slider.html will have its Homepage Condition modified so a User: Super User condition is added to the Page: Homepage condition that is normally there.

This has been happening sporadically for a year or two on multiple sites, but has been rare enough to cause me not to report it. However, since it happened again today, I thought you should know about it.

The first time it happened it took me a couple of hours to figure out why the homepage broke when updating extensions, and I narrowed it down to some combination of AMM and Creative Slider.

Since I know the cause and can quickly fix the issue, it isn't a high priority for me, but in case this comes up with other people I thought I'd make you aware of the issue.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Weird. The conditions should not be influenced by the type of module at all.
Can you reproduce the issue consistently by re-installing Advanced Module Manager?
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Calvin's Avatar Calvin
I just now updated AMM on both a 4.4.4 and a 5.1.1 site, and the same issue came up. The update added a Super Admin condition just for this slider extension on the homepage. However, I've updated AMM on several other sites during the same work session, and this did not happen - everything went smoothly on these other sites.

I can't figure out any commonality, so I don't know how useful this report will be for troubleshooting or fixing anything, but I thought I'd let you know in case other users report somethings similar.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Ok, again, if you mange to reproduce the issue consistently by re-installing Advanced Module Manager, let me know.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Calvin's Avatar Calvin
If I uninstall then reinstall AMM, will my settings, conditions, and customizations stick, or do I have to redo them from scratch?
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
If just reinstalling Advanced Module Manager, does it trigger the same issue?
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Calvin's Avatar Calvin
Ok - I think we're getting someplace. I have been able to replicate the problem just by reinstalling AMM.

I created a user for you on a development site.

Confidential information:

Here are the steps to reproduce the issue:
1. Load the homepage normally
2. Reinstall AMM
3. Refresh the homepage - you'll see that the content is gone, though the header and footer remain

To fix it...
1. Go to Conditions and search on "Creative"
2. Open the condition, note that a Super User condition has been added.
3. Delete that second part of the condition.
4. refresh the homepage

Hopefully this will let you figure out the problem. I can provide FTP access if you need it. Let me know generally what was causing the issue, if you can.

Note that I've randomly found this issue on other sites, but not all of them and not all the time. Some of these are/were Joomla 4 sites. The common denominator was Creative Slider.


Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Yes, can you give me (s)ftp access and also access to your database (PhpMyAdmin or whatever)?
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Calvin's Avatar Calvin
It may take me a day to set this up as I'm working with shared hosting and will need to set things up for you. Although this problem isn't an issue for me anymore as I know the cause and a fast solution, I'm happy to do this to help you troubleshoot as I'm sure it is a very strange extension interaction that shouldn't be happening.

I'm in California, USA, so the time zone difference may slow things down a bit for communication.

Calvin's Avatar Calvin
I've set things up. I had to create an FTP account for you and install a localized copy of phpMyAdmin.

Confidential information:

If you are able to figure out the issue, I'd love a short summary of what the problem was as it is puzzling to me, too.

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Fixed in latest dev version.

The issue was caused by this:
The update script converts old Joomla 3 module assignments to conditions.
It also checks if there are any core access level settings on the modules, and copies them over to the conditions.
However, that part did not check if the conditions were newly made or already existing.
It now ignores modules where the condition is already created before the update script runs.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Calvin's Avatar Calvin
That explains it. The fact that it was impacting this particular extension on specific sites was just coincidental to how the condition was in Joomla 3.

Thanks for fixing it.

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