Conditional content

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Conditional content - Devices - Hide on Desktops, is showing on desktops

John Juhl's Avatar John Juhl
Please see this 15-second explainer:

kr. John.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Please just describe the issue in text (and images?)
Creating a video or slideshow I need to watch just costs a lot of time on both ends and doesn't make things clearer.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
John Juhl's Avatar John Juhl
(was just trying to be clear - but ok)

Conditional Content Pluging:

I use this Plugin tag {{...}} (picked in the settings)

then I place this snippet of text in my article: {{hide devices="!desktop"}}THIS IS CONTENT INTENDED FOR TABLETS AND PHONES{{/hide}}

But the content is still visible on Desktop.

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
You are using the {hide} tag, which will hide the content based on the conditions.
You are saying to hide the content on all devices except the desktop... so it shows on the desktop.

If you want to hide it on the desktop, and not on other devices, either tell it to hide on just desktop:
{hide devices="desktop"}

Or to make it show on everything but desktop:
{show devices="!desktop"}
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
John Juhl's Avatar John Juhl
Ahhh, yes, that makes sense.

I must have misunderstood the instructions when using the Plugin Button.

Great, Thanks 🙂
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