Bug with each update of Advanced Module Manager

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Bug with each update of Advanced Module Manager

Francois PARTY's Avatar Francois PARTY
Hello everyone,
Each time Advanced Module Manager is updated, there is an error in this product! with the message Failed:

However when I come back to the dashboard the extension seems to have been updated...

How could you avoid this message for a correct update like on all my other sites?

Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Looks like an issue with the collation settings of your database tables.
Double check them...
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Francois PARTY's Avatar Francois PARTY
Hello, I understand correctly, but how can I check this? via phpmyadmin? , and which table to modify?
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Yes, you should be able to check and change the collation of tables via phpmyadmin. Best to make them all the same (utf8mb4_general_ci).

PS: This has nothing to do with Advanced Module Manager itself...
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Francois PARTY's Avatar Francois PARTY
I changed (utf8mb4_general_ci), but it automatically reverted to (utf8mb4_unicode_ci) so still the same problem (this appeared during the Joomla 3 update to Joomla 4). The problem only concerns "Advanced Module Manager" there is no problem on the other Regular Labs extensions, they all update correctly without error messages
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
I see that Joomla uses utf8mb4_unicode_ci by default. So change everything to that.
And you might have some table fields set specifically to a different collation.
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