Cache Issue on Update

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Cache Issue on Update

David Hillock's Avatar David Hillock

I just applied the updates to all Regular Labs components/plugs - the ones where Joomla 3 support is removed.

For each of the updates, I received the following failure.

Joomla\CMS\Cache\Storage\FileStorage::_deleteFolder Failed deleting e16394fb268586a3b935f33dc27862-cache-com_plugins-9c927657749fc317ebf4c1c44a604f16.php

Can you provide some insight here and suggest actions I can/should take?

P.S. I'm running Joomla 4.3.4.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Seems like an issue with the file/folder permissions on your setup. This error (warning) is thrown by Joomla itself. Not by my extensions.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
David Hillock's Avatar David Hillock
Looking into this further, I can see the file is found in the administrator\cachcom_plugins folder. While the permissions for the folder (755) and file (644) are set properly, the file cannot be deleted, even manually. Thanks you for replying so quickly and consider the matter closed. David
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