Wrong timezone / offset using show time

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Wrong timezone / offset using show time

Karsten Jonas's Avatar Karsten Jonas
Using {show date="2023-09-13 07:00 to 2023-09-15 20:00"} shows content from 09:00 instead of 07:00.

Server (located in Germany) time is correct, $offset and $offset_user is set to "Europe/Berlin" which is correct too.

There is no option to set a timezone in CC itself, so where comes the difference from?
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Can you give me (super) admin and (s)ftp access so I can take a look?
And tell me on what url I can see/reproduce the issue.
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Karsten Jonas's Avatar Karsten Jonas
Many thanks for your fast reply.
I created a simple article showing the actually used time frame at dksdd.de/?view=article&id=657

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Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
I can't/won't use a Joomla file browser to change files. If I change something that breaks the admin, I have no way to fix it.
So if you can provide direct (s)ftp access, I am happy to look into this further.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Karsten Jonas's Avatar Karsten Jonas
I understand. It's always good to have an emergency strategy 🙂

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Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Please try the latest development version from:
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Karsten Jonas's Avatar Karsten Jonas
Installing development version 4.7.1 was successful, but one error message came up: 0- Class "RegularLabs\Plugin\System\Modals\Params" not found.

This error was shown from now on in the frontend (no contend anymore) and in the backend (no functionality except the menu itself).

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Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
Looks like you have some extensions that are not correctly installed.
I recommend you uninstall the extensions that give issues and reinstall them afterwards.

You even have Modules Anywhere installed that still says "NoNumber Modules Anywhere".
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Karsten Jonas's Avatar Karsten Jonas
You are right. The problem behind is: If I uninstall the Modules-Anywhere package, the NoNumber-plugins seems to be uninstalled too.
Reinstalling Modules Anywhere (last version), the NoNumbers - plugins are reactivated automatically, so I can't do much more, because any package-related plugin can't be seperatly uninstalled.
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
This was caused by remnants of very old language files in the /administrator/language folders.
I removed those modulesanywhere files, and all seems ok now.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Karsten Jonas's Avatar Karsten Jonas
Thanks a lot. I really appreciate your fantastic support. We fixed more issues than originally intended 🙂)
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