ReReplacer for J4

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ReReplacer for J4

Marc's Avatar Marc
Hi Peter,
Just to let you know: using ReReplacer with J4, I had the following error when Saving after having added an emoji (from emojipedia) in the replacement text:
Save failed with the following error: 22007, 1366, Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x8E\xAC D...' for column `lejowspm_mFyAkHETp`.`4kl2_rereplacer`.`replace` at row 1

The tricky thing is: seeing thag error msg, I removed the emoji and could save.
Fine... except I had NOT noticed that the Regex Option which was set to YES had been set to NO because of this error.
So it took me time to understand why my replacement was not working anymore 🙂
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
This is most probably down to your database encoding.
Please post a rating at the Joomla! Extensions Directory
Marc's Avatar Marc
Reply to self (again bumped into the same issue and found my ticket of 2023 😁 )

- went to PHPMyAdmin
- opened the XXXXX_rereplacer table (XXXXX being the prefix)
- clicked on the Operations tab
- in the 'Table options', changed Collation 'utf8_general_ci' into 'utf8mb4_general_ci' (checked 'change all column collations' just in case) and clicked on Go to save

(alternatively, since I was in PHPMyAdmin I immediately saved my 'search' with the one I could not save from the interface because of the Emoji)
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