Nested Tabs & Accordions not working

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Nested Tabs & Accordions not working

Günther Dietzinger's Avatar Günther Dietzinger
I installed Tabs and Accordions Verson 1.0.0
free - Version.
I tried to write tabs and in one of the tabs i tried to install an accordion.
Is this possible? In my testpage the tabs stop at the position of the beginning of the accordion!
If there is no way to do this it would be very bad! unfortunate.
sorry for my bad Englsih
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
What syntax have you used?
Do you have this online so I can take a look?
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Günther Dietzinger's Avatar Günther Dietzinger
Ich habe folgende Syntax verwendet:
<div>Tab - Test mit dem bereits vorhandenen Tool</div>
<div>Jetzt kommt das erste Tag</div>
<div>{tab title="Erster Tabulator"}</div>
<div>{accordion} das ist eine zeile</div>
<p>2. zeile</p>
<p>3. Zeile des Accrdions</p>
<p>{tab title="2. Tabulator"}&nbsp; das ist Inhalt des Tabs</p>
<p>{tab title="3. Tabulator"} Das ist der Inhalt des letzen und dritten tAbs {/tabs}</p>

Das Web ist mit der Testseite erreichbar:
Ich kann diese Option aber nur kurz offen lassen. Sie dienst ausschließlich der Testfunktion!

Die Accordions laufen auf der Seite: Über uns und dann -> die Sänger auf der Seite zu Aktive Sänger usw. dann weiter bis zu Ehrungen

I use the following syntax:
<div>Tab - Test mit dem bereits vorhandenen Tool</div>
<div>Jetzt kommt das erste Tag</div>
<div>{tab title="Erster Tabulator"}</div>
<div>{accordion} das ist eine zeile</div>
<p>2. zeile</p>
<p>3. Zeile des Accrdions</p>
<p>{tab title="2. Tabulator"}&nbsp; das ist Inhalt des Tabs</p>
<p>{tab title="3. Tabulator"} Das ist der Inhalt des letzen und dritten tAbs {/tabs}</p>

our web ist reachable with:

I can only a short running time the Option "Test_Tab". After this i must close the button. Test-Tab is only for testing kombination between Accrodions and Tabs.
Accordions are running at the site "Über uns" and there "aktive Sänger" and down "Ehrungen".
Pleas write a short mail if I can close the part "Tabs-Test!!
thank you
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
The page is behind a login, so I can't see the result.

But there are a number of issues with your code.

You are using <div> tags for whatever reason. That can break the structure, when you have stuff opening and closing in different divs. So replace those with <p> tags.

You also have not given the Accordion a title.
You cannot have an empty {accordion} tag.

And lastly, I recommend you place the plugin tags on their own paragraph line.
<p>Tab - Test mit dem bereits vorhandenen Tool</p>
<p>Jetzt kommt das erste Tag</p>
<p>{tab title="Erster Tabulator"}</p>
<p>{accordion title="GIVE THIS A TITLE!"}</p>
<p>Das ist eine zeile</p>
<p>2. zeile</p>
<p>3. Zeile des Accrdions</p>
<p>{tab title="2. Tabulator"}</p>
<p>Das ist Inhalt des Tabs</p>
<p>{tab title="3. Tabulator"}</p>
<p>Das ist der Inhalt des letzen und dritten tabs</p>
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Günther Dietzinger's Avatar Günther Dietzinger
my mistake!! First I would start this page in a special way only for you. Now the page is open, geneneraly!
but I must close it in some minutes?

With your tips n o w on the testpage tabs and accordions are running in the same structure. I replaced <div> with <P>
very good, many thanks!!!!
Hmm, I thought <div> is the better way to create webpages :-/

In the moment i run a great backup of our web. after this i will start Accordions with tabs on the page "über uns". My destination is to reduce the page with tabs and to show the member of our choir in Accordions! But first i must then replace <div> on this page ....

If this will run, then great congratulations!! then our chief must agree to by the version Pro 🙂 🙂
Günther Dietzinger's Avatar Günther Dietzinger
okay, there is no quick solition. the page "über uns" will not run. I think i had to replace all <div>.
and this needs many time .... In the moment I do an restore of the web. I worked on the live webpages 🙁 my mistake again.

have a nice evening! and thank you for your tips.
Günther Dietzinger's Avatar Günther Dietzinger
Yout tip to use <p> insted <div> was very good!
I changed one webpage and i was able to use now {Tabs} and {Accordions} , the page is running very well. The button "Tab-test" must closed in round about one hour.

But I testet <div> too. I saw, if tags Tab or Accordins set in <p>, divs are possible too. on my side i found a mistake. some <div> were encupsuled and some not closed. my misake.
Last but not least: my new page is running.
many thanks
and a good time
Peter van Westen's Avatar Peter van Westen ADMIN
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